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How to earn More Silvers?

I want to teach you or help you to earn Silvers, you can earn 12600 Silver by creating a Multi Account.

This method called FARMING and you need to make your character to at-least level 55 and up!

How it works?
-Create a Accounts e.g( You have 10Accounts with 55Level Each! )
-There is a quest Every Day 3 times a Day that you need to find INGREDIENTS
- After finding the quest you can Exchange it to ION(NPC) 3 TIMES TO HUNT!

1Char = 12,600Silver
2Char = 25,200Silver
3Char = 37,800Silver
4Char = 50,400Silver
5Char = 63,000Silver
6Char = 75,600Silver
7Char = 88,200Silver
8Char = 100,800Silver
9Char = 113,400Silver
10Char = 126,000Silver

Everyday you can earn 126,000 Silver? Ohhh My God!!!


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