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Marathon Delivery

Every Character has the Different Location of Marathon Delivery NPC Location, but the pattern to are similar
,you can take the Marathon at NPC(1)

-Must Level 60 and Above
-Must have a Steed(^_^)
-Advance(Make your STEED(e.g horse) to level up so that your speed will increase)

Go to Supurbs of Athens / Sparta then Find the NPC(1) to your map, and you need to activate your Marathon

The Pattern of Marathon NPC is 

Best Way to Get a 700+ Time:
-Buy a 1pc Supurbs Scroll
-Must have a Good PC(Memory Ram, Video Card) and Internet Condition

Why old people are too weak with math?, and marathon only uses ADDITION, maybe we're advanced in math thats why ADDITION technic is already our weakest point.

How Marathon make you confuse about its math? will I'll teach you on how to make it faster ever to solve the ADDITION of Marathon

We all know that ADDITION is so easy, but this time we need the fastest way to top ourselves in MARATHON

84 + 73
-Like this one, you must need to view the NUMBER first if its too hard to compute
you need to make it like this (8)(4) + (7)(3)
find if the First and Third are the lowest, if not then we need to use Second and Fourth
4+3 = 7
so store 7 to your Mind
8+7 = 15, then combine 15 to 7 so it's = 157

Can you compute this in 1Second ?:
98 + 49 =
(9)(8) + (4)(9) =
9+4 = 13
8+9 = 17 = (1)7 add the one to the 1(3)

You can also use logic in ADDITION
84+73 =
Remove 4 from 84 and remember the 4 as your Remainder and make 73 to 70 and get 3 as your 2nd remainder
80+70 = 150+4+3 = 157

98+49 =
Make 49 to become 50 and you have a 1 credit to 49, and use the credit to 98
98-1 = 97
then remove the 7 to your 97 as your Remainder
97-7 = 90
90+50 = THIS IS HARD, and it will make your time to analyze,
make it 50+40+50 = YOU ALREADY KNEW that is 140
140 + 7 = 147

Well, I already Experience to become the top in Marathon for about 732.32 Seconds, but its to expensive to but Scroll for me ^_^


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