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(BUA)Bay Under Attack, Inside Secrets

-Level 50 above
-But for me, if you want to take the so called BUA(Bay Under Attack) then, better to make your character to level 70-75, so that you can loots all the monsters Inside the BuA

Technic For Solo:
-If you're the Person who activated the Instance, then you must be the first to go inside the BuA and you will be the one to hold the System BuA either to terminate it or not, the most players used is to Invite people and if there's atleast 2players Invited, then that will be the time to activate the Instance, after that the BuA Activator or (YOU) will decide to leave to the party or not, Leaving to the party is that, the other players can't loot the BuA drops(as what my friend said)

If you reached Level 85+, then better to get off inside BuA, you only have 10% to get drops, to the skeleton monster and up to the Christina Boss. You can't loot the monsters that looks like MOB. good luck.


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