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How to use Compound and Technics

Now, I'll show you how to use your Items for Compounding, well this is a 80% working and I'm always basing it to my Experience @ Cursed Zone Everytime I got some Rare Items, I always Compounding it, based to its Options/Grade/Attribute

I'll explain to you how to use your Enhanced Armor/Delicate Armor, and showing my Un-grouped Data Collections of Observation. Hope that this guide will help you, and make you some Ideas not just to earn money, to make your character strong and imbalance to others(maybe). This will help you to defeat the mallers ^_^

Now, You see the Difference of the Items? and making your own Compound armors? The most important in compounding your armors is to make them similar ATTRIBUTES like Common-Common-Common, with 3 OPTIONS then the Output will be Common-Grade2-4Options.

Q1: Can I Compound Items even if they are not similar?
A1: Yes you can! but remember, they must in the same level, the more important there is the Attribute/Options

Q2: Where should I practice my own observation?
A2: You can practice @ Cursed Zone, but you must reach the 50+ level before you can go there.

Q3: Is this a 100% Working Formula?
A3: Nope!, this is just an observation, based to my experience.

Cyclades Quest

Well, this time, I'll show you how to spot by spot to finish the quest of Zeus Scroll Delivery

As what the image above:
-------|           - The Destination of the Portals
BLACK SPOT - The NPC 5, and Portal to Exit the Quest

(1) - NPC 1 , Zeus NPC
(7) - NPC 4
(5) - NPC 3
(3) - NPC 2
(9) - NPC 5

The Cyclades Quest its just like a Logic or a Maze quest, that you need to talk every Zeus NPC, each npc will give you a scroll, and a 15,000-25,000 Exp, and some 5-10 TP and more...

You must Activate your quest to the Zeus Main and he will gave you a first NPC Scroll that you must give to Zeus 1 @ zone (1) then Zeus 1 will gave you a 2nd NPC Scroll that you should give to Zeus 2, so on and so fort, the NPC's are located as what I've written above this message, the ZONE AREA.

How to use GodsWar Client using your Facebook Account


System Supported: WinXP, Vista, Win7


After Download the .exe file from IGG website, you must go to this WEBSITE
-Install It!

Then click the 'Launch Game' as what the image below

After clicking the Link, copy the URL and make a New Text File, to paste your ENCRYPTED Facebook Data.

Everytime you wan't to run your Godswar, you don't need to always visit your Facebook Godswar Page, just copy the ENCRYPTED URL, and paste it to your browser, so that the PARAMETER of GodsWar through CLIENT will follow, and run.

-Maybe you are a Vista/Win7 User
-Go to your GodsWar Folder C:\Program Files\Gods War\
-Find the Launch.exe
-Right Click on it, you must go to its PROPERTY window
-then go to COMPATIBILITY tab, check the Run As Administrator, save it!
-then you can now set your WINDOWS settings, either 800x600, or 1280x1240 Windows Screen or Full Type.

Guide From: Christin(Phoenix Facebook Server)